This is a bit late in the posting, but last weekend I went out to visit Cash at his retirement home, Paint Creek Farm in Paige, TX. He's doing great and is as fat and happy as ever. He came to me in the pasture and clearly recognized me, but when I took him down to the barn, he really didn't have much use for all the fussing and grooming we did. He clearly wanted to be with his buddies, although he was a gentleman about it as always. I fed him half a dozen carrots, groomed him, did his feet, and took a ton of pictures (I also got him a new fly mask that comes down over his nose, which he was not so excited about). When I went to put him back out, his three pasture mates were all at the fence, waiting for him. Apparently they've become quite close and were disturbed that a member of the herd was missing!
Hi ho holidaze
1 month ago
He looks fantastic! The next time you go out to see him, and wouldn't mind me tagging along, let me know!